This page contains some of my public talks and presentations (lightning talks and Pixels Camp events are up on YouTube).
A presentation I delivered at WeMeet Europe on November 3rd 2022, covering Microsoft's approach to the telco industry, our work with AT&T and the acqisition of Affirmed and Metaswitch, and how they enable both operators and partners from 5G/PMEC and B2B scenarios to AI Operations and predictive analytics.
A post-graduate class taught at Nova School of Business and Economics on February 3rd 2020, providing an overview of Big Data and Machine learning in Azure cloud and how typical data science processes are managed (covering core concepts, tools, typical processes, sizing factors and cost estimations).
Slides presented at the ISCTE Software Defined Networks Seminar on April 5th 2018, providing an overview of Microsoft's global WAN and datacenter infrastructure, core SDN services provided by Azure for conventional virtualization workloads and the challenges involved in mapping traditional networking concepts onto containerized workloads using Docker and Kubernetes.
Slides, Internet Archive for the ISCTE seminar website.
A live stream demoing how to scale Docker Swarm clusters on Azure, recorded as part of the Journey To Web Summit 2017 online event.
Slides, Internet Archive for Channel 9, Livestream recording.